Monday, March 1, 2010

Week #7 - Report Log

Hello all!

Well - it's been an interesting week for me... and not for good reasons.

Before the computer catastrophe started, I was able to go through part of Nigel's tutorial on how to design a brochure. He gives great tips that go way beyond designing. For example, he recommends to make thumbnails or sketches of the brochure (or whatever document we will be working on) and addressing printing and budget issues. It is important to consider these before we start designing to avoid using images or working on a fancy design that may not print as expected. He also recommends to request a pre-press of the document.

He also makes a wise observation: that if we are working on a document for a non-profit, a glossy or fancy look would probably be a red flag for potential contributors: audience consideration is of the essence.

I was able to work on two designs for a business card (one pictured on the side) and on one for a letterhead. They may not be the final versions, and will continue to work on those, and see how they work as I develop other documents.

On another note, I appreciate reviewing fellow students' posts, as there's always something to learn from those. Also, interesting designs.

For this week: I will continue to work on layouts for brochure, and watch tutorials on color and typography. Of course, the posting on this week's reading is on the list as well. Learning about Copyright issues is fundamental; from what I have reviewed, it is a complicated subject.

Have a great week everyone!


"Challenges bring opportunities."

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