Monday, March 15, 2010

Report Week#9 - Productive as a Working Bee

Good morning to all!

Aside from working on the drafts for the two fliers that will be used to announce a presentation on the translation industry, I started to work on the brochuer. This is a very important item of the marketing packet because it will be printed, and therefore, become a more permanent marketing tool for my translation services. I am working on the thumbnails and making decisions on whether or not to include some kind of picture. I would not like to include a picture, although some people do it, because I don't think it reflects my work (I am not a PR person). In any event, something to ponder over the week. The good thing is that the color palette is final, and I will continue to play with the background I have created. I am still wanting to find out printing possibilities. It looks like it would be quite expensive to do a green printing right now, but at least I can find out what it takes and design accordingly (for when I am a successfull translator/technical writer making big bucks!).

When designing the flyers, the most difficult thing is deciding on the layout and what information to include. I felt like if I did not give enough information, people would not be interested in atttending. However, I got valuable feedback on my work, and I am working on improving the appearance of the flyer. I was not able to obtain feedback on the flyer prepared for presentations before students. One thing I can say is that it never turns out the way I pictured in my mind.

Though I do not enjoy the luxury of Spring Break, I hope there will be less students showing up (and parents calling!) to see their advisors, so that I am not that tired when I get home from work. I am looking forward to watch couple more tutorials throughout the week on my beautiful 22in screen... feels like I am watching a movie!

Happy Spring Break!


"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." -Dalai Lama

Photo: Working Bee (c) Anthony Criego 2009

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